Search Engine Optimization

Have you ever read a book, document or research paper that doesn't have a title, date, author name, or structured content such as a table of contents or index?

If you did you may have been confused about the topic or intent of the story, or may even have questioned the author's reliability. Even worse, if you couldn't identify at first glance whether the information was worth your time, you possibly simply ignored it and moved on to another resource.

A website without SEO is like a filling cabinet filed with papers without tabs or without file folders or an index to organize the information contained in it. This key here is what helps search engines and online bots know and codify what your website is about and how it should document and index the information in search results.

How SEO works in a nutshell

Search engine optimization is quite a packed concept. Here are a few pointers that might help demystify how it can help you. 

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, covers many key aspects of a website from its structure and how content is categorized, accessibility and readability of the content, content management and creation, web server configuration and many other aspects. 

The ultimate goal is to help search engines index and document your website the way it is intended to, and help web users find you in searches.

So why should SEO matter to you?

You may be a small business owner or manager in a company wondering why search engine optimization should be on your roadmap. SEO is a lot like investing, the earlier you get in the more you reap. Think of it as polishing your website to make sure it radiates. There is always room for improvement which is the reason you need a strategy to focus on the low-hanging fruit.


SEO is not your 'one-off' type of investment. Over time, if you don't polish your site, it will lose your previously invested resources. Why is that? The web evolves. New competing websites see light of day and technology changes as well.

SEO Process

Every search engine optimization project is different. Below are 3 main phases to the SEO process.

SEO Audit

  • Get the big picture. Discover how your website behaves in search engines and what this means on your ability to attract visitors and clients.
  • The SEO audit helps develop a strategy moving forward. Focus on the low hanging fruit and prioritize what may have the most impact and payback.
  • Take this a step further by reviewing how your content and site design speaks to your target audience. In the end, the user experience is key if you want to help customers accomplish what they are here for and get the best of your services.

SEO Compliance

  • Help your target audience find you. Get your website user intent-ready. What we mean by this is to align your organizational messaging with how individual web pages translate your message with the user you wish to target.
  • Leave your visitors with a lasting and memorable experience. Perhaps you tried to visit a webpage recently  and walked away because the information did not load. Many websites have very slow loading speeds or inconsistent page loading protocols. This experience aspect is becoming the next frontier in web search.
  • Leverage the numerous opportunities on every page. Optimize your pages content as part of a fundamental on-page SEO campaign. This means text, images, videos, infographics and other assets on your website.

Maintenance and outreach

  • Glorify your content, knowledge and experience. The web is about information sharing. The more your organization displays your knowledge and abilities in an accessible and consumable manner, the more web users will listen to you.
  • Know where you are going. Gradually set means to track how your website is going and how your visitors are behaving in a meaningful way that speaks to your managers and employees.
  • Keep up the good work to make sure your website keeps its edge. Search engine optimization is a moving target. It's always good to update your organization's website to the latest innovations in the world of SEO and web search.

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